Marketing & Mindset Mastery

The most comprehensive marketing and coaching program
to help farmers build the life they want.

Marketing and Mindset Mastery helps farmers go from overworked, overwhelmed and unfulfilled to enjoying the life they worked so hard to create.

Join Marketing & Mindset Mastery

Before we talk about program details, I want you to know you are in the right place.

Too many farmers who seem to "have it all" feel like something's not right-like they're missing something that every other farmer has. Getting to where you are now has meant lots of time, money and hard work.

You keep waiting for the idyllic farm life to arrive... but somehow, you haven't figured out how to run your life and farm without being overwhelmed, full of stress, with money going out faster than it comes in.

Ever wish you could just farm and NOT have to bother with the bothersome marketing and sales stuff, employee and customer problems, and family expectations - all exhausting you.

You LOVE farming. But everything you have to do and be good at in addition to farming - feels so frustrating and like a drag.

Is this hitting home?


But the only thing that's taken you over is stress, anxiety, overwhelm and astonishment at how much money and time this all takes.

Building a sustainable life and business IS possible. 

I'm here to tell you that you CAN enjoy the life you've worked so hard to create. What that will look like will be 100% unique... There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. It might mean you make esternal changes or it might mean reframing the way you're thinking about things.

 Marketing and Mindset Mastery is NOT about me telling you what rules to follow.

 IT'S ABOUT RETRAINING YOUR BRAIN PERMANENTLY with new principles of human connection, compassion for self and others and a deep sense of value for what you produce and how you help others with your products.

When you do this you become less stressed, more decisive and calm, your business becomes more profitable, and you do it all feeling fulfilled and satisfied... even though you still have all the same farm challenges.


With coaching from Charlotte, you can...

  • Take back control of your life and your days so you can stop just reacting to everything and everyone and create the life you want.
  • Stop sacrificing yourself for others so you can finally enjoy this life you worked so hard to create.
  • Know and be confident in your worth so you'll feel 100% confident charging what you need to be profitable without the guilt or worry.
  • Network with like-minded farmers in the private FB group.
    Although no two farms are alike, we are all looking for the same result... to finally enjoy the life we've worked so hard and so long to create.

    When you join Marketing & Mindset Mastery, I'm 100% focused on helping you find your path to that result.


"Since starting mindset coaching with Charlotte, I feel I have a plan to help my brain think clearly. I have a plan for what to do when Iā€™m stressed, full of anxiety, or depressed about something. To have a fresh perspective on family life and business has been truly valuable. Charlotte has practical strategies that I can start to practice the very day we talk about them. These strategies are helping our family and farm life to be more organized and much less stressful, and to help me be a more productive, positive person. "



  1. Ongoing Weekly Coaching Calls
    • You'll be invited to watch live or watch the recording and have access to the call library for one year.
    • You can request to be coached by Charlotte on the calls
  2. Access to the private FB group for Q&A/networking with others.
  3. BONUS: Access to my Signature Marketing Course "Farm Marketing from the Heart"
  4. BONUS: Access to my other two transformational programs, "Sales Made Simple" and "Master Your Time, Master Your Life"
  5. Plus occasional workshops to help you with every step of the process:
    • How to Overcome and Process Guilt
    • How to Make Clear Decisions
    • How to Eliminate Procrastination
    • Any future workshops


Marketing Course Outline

The course is broken down into 6 modules you gain access to immediately, You'll have access to the materials for life and can revisit the material anytime with your unique login info.


Your Dream Customer

In this module, you’ll begin to learn who your dream customer is and why she shops with you which then helps you design marketing materials and a website to attract more just like her! You’ll even be able to drop the expensive, ineffective ads. More customers for way less money. And they will return again and again once you're restocked. They'll wait for YOU.


Your Email List

This module will share exactly how to make sure you're customers return after you've run out of product. You'll keep your customers coming back season after season by building an email list (the legal way!), by attracting tons of those dream customers you learned about in Module 1.


Your Website

You'll learn the psychology that gets people excited to join your email list and the exact words and photos that’ll trigger them to buy your products consistently (imagine: fill-in-the-blank templates, product description generators, and more).


Your Social Media

Learn why you're wasting your time (and losing money) by focusing on Facebook, and how to make more sales and attract new customers with a blog - even if you’re “not a writer.” Social media is valuable when used the right way or a time waster when you're using it the wrong way. This course assures you're doing social media correctly.


Your Marketing Strategy

I’ll show you exactly what makes email so powerful and how it will be your #1 source of profits. This final module wraps up everything you've learned so you can build a cohesive, simple-as-dirt marketing plan for your farm.


Advanced Strategies

 Get your Q's answered, get inspired, & get a second opinion on your marketing materials before putting them out in the world. Module 6 also contains more advanced techniques and bonus trainings that complement your marketing foundation.

Take a Look Inside the Course

The course videos, lessons, worksheets and templates are included in your members-only area. Watch the video below for a sneak peek into what this course looks like.


You'll get Templates, Worksheets & Tutorials to Create your Own Marketing Materials

Watch the video below for examples of what some of our awesome students have created after taking this course!


Marketing & Mindset Mastery

One Year Group Coaching $1500

"I've always thought of myself as an organized person, but as my business has grown and we started homeschooling, I found myself feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis. I knew something needed to change, but I had no idea where to start. Marketing & Mindset Mastery is a life-changing program. Everything that Charlotte teaches is actionable and I'm amazed at the difference this has made in my life in just 2 weeks! I feel more organized and on track. I love knowing that I'm moving forward with goals, keeping up with my workload, and feeling like I can actually stop working for the day and relax because everything is getting done. The way Charlotte coaches has done so much to relieve my stress so that I'm feeling better and enjoying my days. I am so grateful to have found this course! Charlotte has practical strategies that I can start to practice the very day we talk about them. These strategies are helping our family and farm life to be more organized and much less stressful, and to help me be a more productive, positive person. "

~Becky M.

"I set myself a goal of selling $2K worth of bouquets at our final market of the year. I have had this goal for a couple of years now, getting closer but never achieving it. I used your methods I learned and I also kept close track of my labour hours while making them. I realized I needed to charge more - thanks to your coaching, I did not feel guilty at all but completely confident. I raised my prices from $35 and $40 for my bouquets to $40, $50 and $60. I was a little nervous but I knew they were worth that much. No one batted an eye, lol! I sold all but one bouquet and when I got home a woman messaged me and bought that one. I made $2150 at my 3 hour market. A great way to finish my season. Thank you for all the help and encouragement through your coaching and podcast. It's been key for me to reach my goals."

~Heather H.

Meet Your Coach and Trainer— Charlotte Smith

After living through my family farm's bankruptcy as a teenager, when I started my own farm I wanted it to look very different - as in, it would make money and support our family.

About 3 years in, though, we were working LONG days, and taking care of 3 kids, stressed, overwhelmed.

Even though we were making money, it became apparent it was not sustainable mentally or physically. I was exhausted, stressed out, sick, and 20 lbs. overweight, wondering if it was all worth it.

Life changed for me forever when I got my own life in order and then became certified to teach and coach farmers.

Now, I've built the life of my dreams and am honored to help you build yours.

Named a food rebel, pioneer and visionary by PBS’s Food Forward TV, and top 25 Most Influential Women in Food and Agriculture by Food Tank, Charlotte Smith is the Marketing and Mindset Trainer and Coach for farmers and Ag professionals worldwide.

Charlotte has earned a reputation as a champion for family farmer’s rights as an expert business & farm life coach who inspires transformation in farmers.

Listen in to her top-rated podcast, the Profitable Mindset.

Marketing & Mindset Mastery

One Year Group Coaching $1500


50% Complete

Two Step

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